
"Be Curious, Be Caring"


selfdriven started as a learning framework. Excitingly, while maintaining the same core values, it has grown to become much more. We are currently in the process of updating the whitepaper and website to reflect this!
June 2024

A framework for developing agency...

A society / community is a function of us.
We need to give young people opportunities to authentically facilitate a community.
A learning community is a great place to put this into practice,
i.e. governance, improving the environment, provision of food, clothing, caring for others etc.
We believe that people (learners) with the following attributes, are good members of a modern society:


Can make a decision.


As it relates to self and others.

Community Minded

Importance of the collective.

Creating ...

The foundation:

More authentic and purposeful learning.

Skill identity, leading to economic identity.

"On-Chain" experience via use.


Protocol for Change

selfdriven as a protocol for changing learning systems & communities.

The Shift

The science and technology that can shift our society.

White Paper

selfdrivenOS White Paper.


Key milestone timeline.


The importance of play in learning and growth.


We learn in many different spaces.

Improvement Cycle

Continuous incremental improvement with reflection.


Recognising experience based learning.


A journey in learning, supported by learning partners and communities.


Learning communities as a safe place to learn and grow.


Universal public domain skills set.


The why, how and who of skill achievements.

Next Steps

Next steps in learning.


Launch an improvement project.


Why Cardano?


Token minting, uses and availablity.


selfdriven Tokens & the blockchain.

Apps & API

Apps for learners and their learning-partners.

Meet the team &
how you can contribute.
The Community
You, everyone else, governance & funding.
Support the Project
Donate or purchase art NFTs.
Skills Explorer
Search for skills.

LearnCardano Interview

Overview interview with Mark.


It's an universal right; for everyone and everything.


Establishing trust; for everyone and everything.


How we improve and make decisions together.


The organisation structures supporting selfdriven.


How we delivery our cloud services reliably and securely.


Community driven inputs to energise the community active (human activity) & passive (funds etc).


A Framework to support a project-based society.

Growth Cycle

Enabling community based economies based on growth.


For measuring growth, performance & outcomes

Cognitive Assistance

Supporting Self-driven Project Based Learning Design


The impact of new forms of intelligence on learning - what & how.


The formal and informal research, and inputs that shape selfdriven.


Step by step guides to get you up and running with the App, running or participating in a proof-of-concept pilot, getting "on-chain" and more!

Connect & Collaborate

Connect with the selfdriven community, links to guides & resources, ask any questions you have or send feedback.


Help with on-boarding your learning community.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Using the selfdriven Framework and Apps as a Learning Management System.

App & API

Permissioned Internet Services By

On-Chain (Blockchain)

Permissionless Internet Services By
Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
Project originated in Australia.
"be curious"
The Original "You Have 15min" &
"I Need To Learn To Not Walk About From The Mic/Camera" Version!
And yes, I meant to say "DALL-E 2 not 3"
& "Traditional Education not Finance" ;-)
And yes Nic, I was trying to say "Healthy Sceptic" -
as in our own internal peer-reviewer.
I know you get it ;-)
Watch the talk on YouTube
A member of