
Recognising the importance of play in learning and growth.


selfdriven supports ...

Recognition of Existing Play

Recognising the existing games played by learners and the skills they develop.

Real-world and virtual-world

Gamification of Learning

Use of gaming techniques to make learning engaging.

Learning needs to be fun, purposeful and responsive.


  • Indirect learning.

  • Play with ideas.

  • Improvement cycle (Interpret).


  • Games with challenges.

  • Earn tokens (SDC, SDA).

  • Relevant.


  • Individual or collective.

  • Game play reflection.

  • Score cards.

  • Loop backs (Check-ins).

  • Skill recognition.

Making Learning Fun Using Game Play

Levelup is a dedicated app for learners to start their selfdriven journey.
Building their own outcome based learning game with challenges, levels, incentives & rewards.
Self-Driven assessment with learning-partner verification.


Based on achievements (stored as SDA tokens on Cardano), selfdriven community members will be able to unlock bonus FindingOcto tokens (NFTs) once they (or their team) visit certain places in the community - getting them out and about!
We are using CardanoBeam - GPS based unlocking app on Cardano!

Learning Spaces

We learn in many different spaces.

Level Up

Using game play to level up Who-Am-I & Technical Skills


Check out the selfdriven Universal Skills Set


selfdriven community (SDC) and achievment (SDA) tokens.


We work well with others, so if you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know!