
Connect with the selfdriven Community

& other communities, useful resources

About Octo

Sign Up for Updates!

Request an On-Chain Identity during sign up
& presuming you supply your Cardano address ...
First 100 selfdriven Identity (SDI) tokens created, will also get 100 selfdriven Foundation (SDF) tokens as a reward!
If you install the CardanoBeam App and select the FindingOcto game option during sign up you could earn another 100 SDF tokens!
And Octo says that, once we create 256 identities on-chain...
He will raffle this Gutenberg Bible (#1869) !!

Collaborate With Us

We love working with people and organisations passionate about the value of education,
and its capacity to create a least-harmful society.

Every first Wednesday of the month we run an open to all Google Meet session at 10:30UTC.
Join our discord server and visit the #links channel to get the meeting invite link.

Support the seldriven Project

The supporters NFT collection was created by the "Art Is My Thing" OctoCrew in collaboration with

"A life of Art".


An overview of the selfdriven Operating System

The Shift

Deeper dive into the shift in technology.

Identity. It's a universal right.

A deeper dive into selfdriven & On-Chain Identity including the SDI token.