Next Steps

Next steps in learning.


Helping with learning pathways ...

Supporting ...

Within a learning community

Based on learner activity, growth and attributes.

As pathway to next learning

Based on learning partner created next steps templates.

Considering learner ...

The foundation:






Learner Experience

Who Am I?

Next Steps Templates

Learning or domain specific
templates for pathway decision making.
Learner suitability.

Suitability Analysis

Using the common skills set and templates to validate skills gained to determine suitability.
Enable self-driven learner suitability analysis.

Data Sharing

The learner can share their data with learning-partners (organisations & communities) to help with their next steps in learning.

Data Validation

Learning-partners can choose what data based on who verified the data.

A deeper connection between learning phases.

Moving from "ATAR" (a summarised number) to "Next Steps" (the evolution of "Early Entry").
Based on key learner growth phases;
"A" an Introduction to Llearning, "B" Consolidation of Learning & "C" Focused Learning.
By example ...
Phase "C" learning-partners (e.g. department within a university) can create learning-templates that can be shared via the selfdriven App, and used by phase "B" (e.g. Middle/High School) learners (supported by their learning-partners) to complete learning projects.
The resulting skills can then be allocated by the phase "B" & "C" learning-partners, and used to help guide a learner's next steps i.e. if capacity is Knowledgeable / Natural then well aligned with the skills domain.

Universal Skills Set

Search the universal skills set.


Talk to us about how we can get you started with selfdriven.