
How we improve and make decisions together.


Verification ...

Of Self

How we understand ourselves & make decisions.

The basis of as described in the white paper.

The selfdriven Community

How the selfdriven learning community improves as a protocol/framework i.e. adding skills to the universal skills set.

Learning Communities

How a specific learning community (e.g. "school") makes improvements e.g. to it's environment.

Society as a Collection of Communities

By extension how we improve and maintaina a least-harmful society.

The selfdriven framework helps with governance of self & communities by...

  • Establishing Proof of Reputation.
  • On-chain immutable storage.
  • Trustlessness - no people in the middle.
  • Shared understanding on what the rules are for any decision.
  • Process for improvement decision making.


Community members (indivduals, organisations, services etc)

Skills & Achievements

Universal skills as reputation for the basis of delagation for a decision.


Objectives, Rules & Tasks.

Improvement Cycle

The process for making an community improvements.


Where community improvements are launched and voted on.


Who Are You?

Use the selfdriven Identity (SDI) & Verification (SDV) tokens to decentralise the identity.
This can include things (digital & real) i.e. a skill has an identity.

Skills & Achievements

Trust for Delegation

e.g. if a community needs to "build a bridge"; Delegate your vote to identities that have verifiable skills in Engineering and experience in building a bridge.
Verify skills as liked to SDA (achievement) tokens issued by identities that have the skills to issue them e.g. a university in this case.



Template is made up of the following core structural components:
  • Outcomes
  • Rules
  • Resources
  • Milestones & Tasks
  • Skills; Required & Gained
  • Info; Version, Acknowledgements etc

Improvement Cycle


The Cycle working towards is the outcome Fit-For-Purpose:
  • Listen & Observe
  • Interpet
  • Implement
  • Review
And reflection on self i.e. how did I impact the improvement cycle and outcomes.



The standard process:
  • Initiate
  • What is the Improvement? Why, What, Who, How
  • Seek Support / Votes

selfdriven Foundation & Community Governance

The selfdriven Foundation and Community uses its own tools (as described above) to govern itself.


How we are organised, including constitution, structures etc

The core template is a data-structure representation of the foundation, and is stored on-chain as an SDD (Document) token.


As a representation of a community members accumlated community inputs (i.e. energy invested - active or passive), that can then be used for voting etc.


Foundation tokens earned for effort and can be used for voting and rewards as per the link SDX tokens.


Community Engagement


For member & skills identity.


For achievements; linking learner, learning partner (issuer) & skills.


The different identities that make up the selfdriven Foundation, Community & Framework.

Founding Member Skill (SDI)


The selfdriven Foundation is a founding member of IntersectMBO (A Cardano Members Organisation).


selfdriven Identity


selfdriven "On-Chain" tokens/assets.


Explore the universal skills set.


Talk to us about any help you may need.

Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs)

"URL-based identifiers (URIs) in use on the Web today (2019) require that the identifier be leased from an authority such as a Domain Name Registrar. A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is an identifier that does not need to be leased; its creation and use is possible without a central authority to manage it. The advent of Blockchains and Decentralized Ledger Technologies have led to other innovations that support this new type of decentralized URI. DIDs have various benefits over more traditional URIs." - W3C - More...